Home Visit Foot Care

Home Visit Foot Care



External links to other organisations and associations


Southern Chiropody, Podiatry & Foot Health Practitioner Association

    Southern Chiropody, Podiatry & Foot Health Practitioner Association :: The association brings together a number of vetted foot care practitioners working in the south of England. Regular Meetings and Continual Professional Development (CPD) training is available to ensure members are up to date.

The Register for Foot Health Practitioners

  The Register for Foot health Practitioners :: All of our members must uphold our robust underlying code of ethics by ensuring they have the necessary skills, training, proficiencies and grounded knowledge to practice safely and competently.
A member of the R.F.H.P. is someone you can trust.

Hampshire County Council Connect to Support Hampshire 

Connect to Support Hampshire :: is a website for adults in Hampshire. Its aim is to help you stay independent and to manage your own care.  You can find local groups, activities and services within your community as well as care providers and other paid services that may help you. 

Public Consulting Group (UK) Ltd own and manage this website on behalf of Hampshire County Council. You can download the app version from Google Play or the Apple store )  

There may be some services provided for Hampshire residents who live in neighbouring counties. Use these links to find information and advice about care and support in these areas:

Gosport Info

Gosport.info is a website giving information and photos of Gosport, Hampshire, England, UK both past and present.

Foot Health Community

The Foot Health Community provides patient friendly information on a wide range of foot problems and provides links to Foot Health Practitioners, Podiatrists and Podiatric Surgeons across the UK.
Photo by
Richard Bailey
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